Chequebook of faith
Chequebook of faith

The Lord will quite destroy those things which threaten His people: "I will break the bow and the sword, and the battle out of the earth." Peace will be profound indeed when all the instruments of disquiet are broken to pieces. The passage from which this gracious word is taken speaks of peace "with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven, and with the creeping things of the ground." This is peace with earthly enemies, with mysterious evils, and with little annoyances! Any of these might keep us from lying down, but none of them shall do so. See the angels coming and going upon Him between thy soul and thy God, and be sure that the promise is thine own God-given portion and that it will not be robbery for thee to take it to thyself, as spoken specially to thee. All the promises of God are "Yea" and "Amen" in Christ Jesus, and as He is ours, every promise is ours if we will but lie down upon it in restful faith.Ĭome, weary one, use thy Lord's words as thy pillows, Lie down in peace. He saw in his dream that wondrous ladder which for all true believers unites earth and heaven, and surely where the foot of the ladder stood he must have a right to the soil, for otherwise he could not reach the divine stairway. Stretching his weary length upon the ground, with the stones of that place for his pillows, he little fancied that he was thus entering into ownership of the land yet so it was. Where Jacob "lighted" and tarried and rested, there he took possession.

chequebook of faith

If, my brother, thou canst in faith lie down upon a promise and take thy rest thereon, it is thine. No promise is of private interpretation: it belongs not to one saint but to all believers.

chequebook of faith

The land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it. "Shortly." Happy word! Shortly we shall set our foot on the old serpent! What a joy to crush evil! What dishonor to Satan to have his head bruised by human feet! Let us by faith in Jesus tread the tempter down. In unquestioning confidence in God let us look for speedy victory. Let us bravely tread upon the tempter! Not only inferior spirits but the prince of darkness himself must go down before us. Though it would be under their feet, yet the bruising would be of the Lord alone. This victory would not come to the people of God through their own skill or power but God Himself would bruise Satan. The archenemy tripped up the feet of the unwary and deceived the hearts of the simple but he was to get the worst of it and to be trodden down by those whom he had troubled. The Roman believers were grieved with strife in the church but their God was "the God of peace" and gave them rest of soul. Even under our feet is the old dragon to be bruised. We are evidently to be conformed to our covenant Head, not only in His being bruised in His heel but in His conquest of the evil one. This promise follows well upon that of yesterday.

chequebook of faith

By faith let us rejoice that we shall still reign in Christ Jesus, the woman's seed.Īnd the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. They may so bruise us that we may limp with our sore heel but let us grasp the second part of the text, and we shall not be dismayed. Throughout this year we may have to learn the first part of this promise by experience, through the temptations of the devil and the unkindness of the ungodly, who are his seed. To us the promise stands as a prophecy that we shall be afflicted by the powers of evil in our lower nature, and thus bruised in our heel but we shall triumph in Christ, who sets His foot on the old serpent's head. How terrible will be the final bruising of the serpent's head! This was virtually done when Jesus took away sin, vanquished death, and broke the power of Satan but it awaits a still fuller accomplishment at our Lord's second advent and in the Day of Judgment. The seed of the woman, even our Lord Jesus, was bruised in His heel, and a terrible bruising it was. It contains the whole gospel and the essence of the covenant of grace.

chequebook of faith

Spurgeon January 1 The Bible's First PromiseĪnd I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Chequebook of faith